TWD: fresh ginger and chocolate gingerbread

I had no idea gingerbread was for eating.  I’ve always associated it with construction material – like the play dough I used to make for day camp – used for houses that support loads of candy and cookies that stand up and run in cartoons. Who knew you could eat it, too.

chocolate gingerbread

Dorie’s ginger chocolate cake is lovely – an adult, not-too-chocolaty variation of a chocolate cake that made me very happy during an otherwise very depressing time of year (have you been to Chicago in January?  You’ll find every shade of gray imaginable). Also, the chocolate icing kind of hardened when it cooled, so I could safely pack it for lunch at work without fear that I would embarrass myself licking the frosting off the foil I had wrapped the cake in.

An added bonus, I found that this dessert has health benefits.  Red wine and chocolate have become cliché, but ginger has a lot going for it, too, and so it was with a little less remorse that I scarfed down Dorie’s chocolate gingerbread. Ginger seems to interfere with some other medications, but in otherwise healthy people ginger has been shown to reduce diarrhea;  nausea caused by seasickness, morning sickness and chemotherapy; and joint pain from arthritis, though studies on this have been inconsistent. More important to me and my cheese addiction, ginger may have blood thinning and cholesterol lowering properties that may make it useful for treating heart disease.

I’m just sayin’.

Instead of a 9×9 pan (which Dorie herself told the TWD bloggers was crucial) I used 11 aluminum custard cups, and I still had WAY too much batter – I totally could have used 13 or 14, but those 11 were the last ones leftover from Thanksgiving.

The recipe was chosen by the blogger at Sherry Trifle. It was a great choice, and she’ll post the recipe there. I recommend you pick it up. I had one other variation to note: I used 1/3 c. molasses and made up the rest with honey to avoid a trip to the grocery store for such a small amount of an ingredient I use so infrequently. I think it turned out just fine.

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I'm a suburban amateur chef and professional writer who hates grocery shopping. Go figure.

6 thoughts on “TWD: fresh ginger and chocolate gingerbread”

  1. This is my first time to your site, and I almost spit my drink into the screen when I read your tag line, under your blog name. Made me think of an M&M.

    Anyways, so glad you discovered that gingerbread was an actual dessert, not just a decoration.

  2. Hi Joana! Your mini gingerbread cakes are brilliant. I love the idea of individual desserts. And I hear you on the hardened icing bit…I’m guilty of licking the foil when it comes to chocolate too 🙂

    I’m in Chicagoland too, and I know what you mean about depressing. This January in particular has been brutal 🙁 Stay warm!

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